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This is how we trade coffee

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We introduce you to the coffees we trade!

Our portfolio in an overview

In the following portfolio you can see a small overview of our traded coffees. Learn more about where the coffee comes from, what special characteristics there are, how the coffee is prepared and where it gets its special taste.

Of course we trade other coffees from all over the world too, so contact us and get to know our entire portfolio!

We look forward to introducing you to our Coffees. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Click on the regions and learn more about cultivation, coffee farmers and the regions!


Brazil – Sao Silvestre

With the continuous aim of improving the quality and diversity of the coffee, Faszenda Sao Silvestre was acquired by the Andrade family in the 1990s. The farm is located 15 km from the town of Serra do Salitre, at an average altitude of 1,220 metres. Faszenda Sao Silvestre is known for its beautiful landscape, excellent green coffee and sustainable and prudent cultivation.

Guatemala – Lampocoy

The small village of Lampocoy is located in the coffee-growing region of “Nuevo Oriente” in eastern Guatemala. It rains throughout the year with a rainfall of over 2,000 mm. Temperatures range between 18 and 25 degrees during the day. The soils are deeply weathered. The original rocks are metamorphic volcanic. The conditions are therefore perfect for growing high-quality coffee!

Brazil – Capim Branco

Ismael Jose de Andrade has been running the company ABEX (Andrade Brother Exportacion) for years with his brother Eduardo, who is only lovingly called “the Doctor”. He practised as a psychiatrist for many years, but today he has devoted himself entirely to his family’s passion for coffee. The Andrade family has been running coffee farms (such as Fazenda Capim Branco) since 1901.

Brazil – Camocim

Camocim is a timber and coffee farm in Espírito Santo, Brazil. It is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 metres and covers a cultivated area of about 300 hectares. Henrique Sloper, former president of the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA), took over the farm from his grandfather and has been growing coffee organically there since 1999. Camocim is organic and biodynamic (Demeter) certified.

Peru – Millenium Yakumama Organic

Peru Millenium Organic Coffee – a coffee brand from Jaén and San Ignacio in the Cajamarca region of northern Peru. In this region, parcel coffees are grown that achieve the highest scores in tasting competitions called cuppings. In the Cup of Excellence® competition held in Peru in 2017, the first three places were won by parcel coffees or microlots from the Cajamarca region.

Ethiopia – Sidamo

Dimtu Coffee Industry P.L.C. specialises in sustainable cultivation, processing and global marketing of high-quality speciality coffees. The organisation was founded in 2007, has 370 member farms and follows the following principles: trust in quality, transparency and traceability, sustainability and quality assurance.

India – Monsooned Malabar Organic

This coffee is called “Monsoon Malabar” because it is exposed to the monsoon and the winds of the Malabar coast. The coffee is unique to the Malabar Coast of Karnataka and Kerala and has a protected status under the Indian Geographical Indications of Goods Act.
11Green Coffee Brazil Capim Branco

Rwanda – Ngororero Coffee Growers

The Ngororero district in Rwanda has a coffee processing facility that is supplied with coffee beans by the surrounding farmers. By training the coffee farmers over many years, excellent coffees could be produced and an export market could be established. The fully washed & naturally processed coffee is harvested between April and July. The red coffee cherries are also called Red Bourbon because of their intense colour.