Millenium Organic Coffee is a coffee brand from Jaén and San Ignacio in the Cajamarca region of northern Peru. In this region, parcel coffees are grown that achieve the highest scores in tasting competitions called cuppings. In the Cup of Excellence® competition held in Peru in 2017, the first three places were won by parcel coffees or microlots from the Cajamarca region.
Millenium organic coffee is cultivated and processed by the cooperative “Caficultores Alto Cajamarca”. It was founded on 23 February 2016 in Chirinos by 40 coffee farmers. It currently has 60 members, 17 of whom are women. The coffee cooperative welcomes women and men producers who share a commitment to work that improves the quality of family life.
and the conservation of natural resources.
These are small family farms with an average production of 1,200 kg of coffee beans per year. Due to the regular implementation of special trainings for all members in the areas of organic cultivation and quality-assuring processing, procedures can be improved. This ultimately has a positive impact on the development of Alto Cajamarca’s activities. Organic fertilisation in organic farming, the use of techniques to preserve nutrient-rich soils, the application of methods to protect forests, flora, fauna and biodiversity as a whole, preserve not only the natural environment and habitat but also the economic basis of the farmers.
Through the implementation of quality control measures and precautions, the quality of products and the social basis of the members of the cooperative are guaranteed.